Are you sabotaging your own success?
What if you were unknowingly sabotaging our own success?
Sometimes we just get in our own way…. Consider a few of these examples of self-destructive patterns. Do any resonate with you?
Never acknowledging success – This is one that I struggled with when I first started as a Financial Advisor. I would set a goal and as soon as I came close to achieving it, I would make excuses that would discredit my success (we had a good run in the market, the new account hit at the right time that month, I got lucky). So I would create a new goal because the one I set wasn’t challenging enough – I literally achieved nothing despite being the fastest starter in my region! (acknowledging that fact is my progress 😊)
Procrastination – 20% of people are really good at this. You know what you need to do but cannot seem to get it done. There could be several reasons – it needs to be perfect (if you don’t start it then you can’t fail), it is time consuming, it’s boring, I am too busy… You don’t want to be that 20%.
Bad habits – There are the obvious such as not eating well, overindulgence, not enough sleep, lack of exercise. There are others that can impact health, relationships, performance or opportunities, like being consistently late to meetings and events, spending too much time on social media, never saying “no”, avoiding tough conversations, not following through, not returning emails or calls, negative thoughts, not setting personal/business goals, never asking for help…
Staying in your comfort zone – While it feels “comfortable”, staying in your comfort zone can lead to stagnation, boredom, and complacency. You miss out on opportunities for growth and may be left behind if you don’t keep pace with those around you.
All of these thoughts originate in the brain and may go as far back as your childhood. As my good friend Elaine Wilson put it – too often we protect vs. inspire.
The good news is that you can re-program your brain to create new behaviors, thoughts, habits and emotions. The transition to a growth mindset can be empowering.
Are you ready and able to make the leap?
