Remix the classics
There is great debate on whether music should be altered from its original, classic state.
First, to clarify, there is a difference between remastering and remixing. Remastering is simply enhancing the original analog version with a clearer, more updated sound. Remixing is where things really start to change. While some core elements of the original remain, the song is altered by changing lyrics or adding/removing parts to create an entirely new work of art.
Remixing can be found in Jamaica going back 60 years, where different sounds and new instruments or vocals would be infused into local reggae music. It evolved with the night club scenes in NYC and Chicago when DJs started to realize songs were too short to keep the crowds happy. Just as things were getting lively the songs would end, so they started to mix it up, extend song length, and eventually add additional beats to keep the party going.
Why the debate? It can be viewed from multiple perspectives.
The Purist who appreciates the music in its original form and sound, likely listens to it on a 45. Any change is considered blasphemy, a deviation from the artist’s creation.
The Enhancer who wants to preserve the history and tradition of the music but refine the sound to a more modern and cleaner version. The song, in essence, doesn’t change, but it sounds a little richer.
The Creative who wants to explore ways to transform and create a new sound inspired by a classic work of art. They appreciate the inspiration of the song but reinvent an entirely new way to appreciate it.
Musicians realized a classic but remastered collaboration could attract new wave of followers and reach a broader audience.
Take Elton John as a more recent example. In the past couple of years, he has remixed Cold Heart (formerly Rocket Man and Sacrifice) with Dua Lipa and Hold Me Closer with Britney Spears. This appeals to an entirely new generation of music lovers that might have not otherwise listened to classic 70s music.
Think about your business. What if you remixed the classics?
I would challenge you to consider the following:
What core aspects of my business need to remain original, classic?
What might I tweak, just a little, to give it a refresh? Maybe a coat of paint on the walls, a new email signature?
What might I need to overhaul to remain relevant and competitive for the future? An updated website, a QR code to make it easier to connect, the formation of team, embracing new technology?
These questions may be difficult to answer. Sometimes we get comfortable, and it is hard to find where change can elevate opportunity.
A good place to start is to acknowledge that change can be positive and may even improve your current situation.
The next is to work with a leader, peer or coach who can help you figure it all out.
Connect with me to explore what opportunities may be hidden…
